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Mandatory POSH Compliance Poster for Workplaces

Rs. 1,950.00

In accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, it is mandatory for all workplaces employing 10 or more employees to prominently display a POSH Compliance Poster. This poster serves as a critical tool to create awareness, ensure compliance, and foster a safe and respectful work environment.

The POSH Compliance Poster provides essential information about the Internal Committee (IC) responsible for addressing complaints related to sexual harassment. It includes details such as the names and roles of committee members, along with their contact information. Additionally, the poster outlines the rights and responsibilities of employees, emphasizing the importance of reporting incidents promptly and ensuring confidentiality during investigations.

By displaying the POSH Compliance Poster, organizations demonstrate their commitment to preventing sexual harassment, protecting employees' rights, and complying with legal requirements. Failure to display the mandatory POSH poster can result in legal repercussions and penalties for non-compliance.

In summary, the POSH Compliance Poster is not just a legal requirement but also a vital tool for creating awareness, promoting transparency, and fostering a culture of respect and safety within the workplace. Employers are urged to ensure the proper display of this poster to uphold their responsibilities and safeguard the well-being of their employees.

tags: #poster #posh #poshcomplianceposter

Labor & Employment
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