Judge Your Judgment Your Judgment by Justice
Author: Justice Naresh Kumar Gupta
Year: 2021
In jurisprudence, a judgment not only carries the verdict of a case but also provides a detailed description of all the relevant facts and a discussion of the logical and legal course followed to reach the decision. A high-quality judgment makes the decision crystal clear for the litigants and stands up to the scrutiny of legal experts and higher courts. A well-organized judgment is a service to the society and establishes the rule of law. In Judge Your Judgment, Justice Naresh Kumar Gupta and Manisha Gupta provide a detailed and easy-to-follow road to developing and honing the skills required for drafting judgments and orders. This book uses simple language with numerous case examples, order samples, decision summaries, rulings and extracts of Civil Court Rules, and Rules and Orders (Criminal). This book covers all variety of cases—Civil, Criminal, Tribunals, Tehsildaari and so on—and is relevant for new and old judges; magisterial authorities such as SDMs and DMs; and quasi-judicial authorities such as Tribunals.
Tags: judgements #judge #9789390673629 #law #jurisprudence #court #legalwriting #judicialtraining