Abstracts of Various Labour Laws for State of Maharashtra (English - Marathi)
It is mandatory for a employer/companies employing 10 or more then 10 employees to display these Abstract of labour laws in India, available as calendar chart format for display on notice board.
Labour law abstracts are to be displayed on notice for labour officers or inspector
Here is the list of abstracts under various acts and laws in English in India:-
* Abstract of The Maharashtra Shops and Establishment Act
* Abstract of Maternity Benefit Act
* Abstract of Gratuity Act
* Abstract of Factories Act of India, and
* Abstract of Bonus Act
* Abstract of Contract Labour Act
* Abstract of Payment of Wages Act
* Abstract of Minimum Wages Act, or
* Abstract of Employees Compensation Act
* Abstract of Notice u/s 12 of the Child Labour Act
* Abstract of Don'ts under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013
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