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The Tech Contracts Handbook: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople

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Original price Rs. 4,650.00
Current price Rs. 3,650.00

Author: David W. Tollen

Year: 2021

Now updated and expanded, this reference manual and training guide covers cloud computing agreements, software licenses, and other IT contracts. Written in a clear, plain-English, jargon-free style, this handbook is a complete resource for lawyers, contract managers, and anyone responsible for getting IT deals done. This bestselling book is by David W. Tollen, one of the industry's leading authorities on technology contracts.

Complete with negotiation tips, guidance on the business issues behind the terms, and sample contract language, the book covers all topics in technology contracts, including data privacy and security terms, warranties, indemnities, open source software, deconversion and transition, limitations of liability, SaaS escrows, copyright licensing, and service level agreements (SLAs).

This third edition provides a greater focus on data: on clauses addressing rights in data, privacy, control of data, and data security--some of the key concerns in IT contracts today. Updated to reflect current best practices in technology contracts, the book is offers increased discussion on a variety of other terms, payment clauses, including indemnities, and other liability-related terms. This handbook describes each clause typically found in a technology agreement, outlines the issues at stake, and offers negotiation tips and sample contract language. It addresses:

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS) and other cloud services contracts
  • On-premise software license agreements
  • Software distribution contracts
  • Software ownership transfers
  • IT professional services agreements
  • And more

You won't find a more accessible, useful resource on IT contracts.

Computer & Internet
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Rs. 4,650.00
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